Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Randomness of Wednesday.

These are the sweetest little flowers. They are just blooming and they took my breath away when I saw them last night. I know, small things make me happy.
Look how our garden is growing! I saw an orange tomato today!
We have this white shelf in the downstairs bathroom. It's been empty. So I went to the dollar store to buy things to put some color on the shelf. The dollar store.
We have been moving some things out of Britni's room to eventually put Davis in there. She has a lot of things still in her old room. After all, it hasn't been THAT long since she's been married. Although, she moved out of the house last year. So we moved this desk into the tv room to make way for the dressing table.
That is fabric (that I got at Ikea) stapled onto a large frame. I love how it turned out.
Davis doesn't need a dressing table in his room and Britni doesn't have the room in her apartment. So we put it in the hallway. I love that dressing table. I used it as a teenager. For now it can hold our older computer and hello kitty phone.

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