Saturday, June 26, 2010

Second and Third flower.

I bought a small piece of fabric
(I think it's angora or something 
really soft like that) 
from the instructor.
Turned out cute
if I say so myself
and I DO!

This one is made of
100% cashmere.
It's very soft 
and oh so dreamy
(this is from one of the sweaters
I bought for $4
from DI).
I put a pin on the back of this one
(I found a package of pins
at Roberts yesterday
and Sally's was out of their 
hair clips).
I also used a piece of
a seam for the middle.
I used a couch stitch
or something like it.
It was my first time.

The instructor said we couldn't 
use the patterns to sell these.
So, if I ever choose to sell
something like this,
I will have to come up with
my own patterns.


I have heard that if you sell things
you like to make
you soon won't like
making them anymore.
I just don't have time
(that may be debatable)
or the inclination 
to do so
right now.
I have thought of it.
For now,
I am making these for family, friends
and myself!

1 comment:

JMay said...

These are cute :-)