Thursday, October 1, 2009

First day of snow.

The day started out great. I went to a neighbors to work on some sewing projects. She is a very talented seamstress and creative person and has 10 sewing machines set up in her basement for such an event. She teaches and helps people sew. I just worked on some pillows that I embroidered (many years ago).  I'll show them later.
By the time I left, it was snowing. A layer of slush on the windshield. Cold.
It was very beautiful. The colors on the trees won't be as dramatic for long because there was such a terrific storm the night before and during the day. There won't be many more leaves left.
Yesterday I heard from Sheyla. She is so close to the end. But she has struggled for much of her mission. Her mission President said it was time to go home. She will be coming home some time around October 21.
I am surprised because she has sounded so great. Not surprised because it has been such a hard mission for her.
We are so proud of her working so hard for so long to stay. We love her so much. I still can't wait to see her.
Later in the day other things happened that I wasn't so crazy about. So, even with the snow and coldness I have to look on the bright side today and find things to be happy about and look inside to find the strength to better cope with it all. Hopefully with grace.  Not with the kicking and screaming that I feel like doing.

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