Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Before...but no after...yet.

I wanted to take a before picture of the pillows I will soon re-cover.

Once again, Addie had to be in the front of things! Silly!

I took a before but I don't have an after yet. I did buy the material.
I had several driving around errands yesterday and not much time or will power to dedicate to sewing covers. And today isn't looking like it's going to happen either!
Jeff and I are leaving for Idaho around noon. Amanda is going through the temple for the first time this evening. We will leave for home right after we are done.  We wont be home till around 3:00 am. Sheyla will be home with Davis.
Last night we made a quick trip up to Ikea to buy a replacement frame for Chris's old room. Sheyla and I joked that it's the second happiest place on earth. It fascinates me to walk in the maze of that store and see all those cute rooms set up! Sigh...

Four more days till Chris get's married!

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