Monday, December 14, 2009

I'm actually finishing projects!

This is from Chris's old room. The old brown painted armoire wouldn't match the black bed we are giving Chris and Amanda.

This is one of our first furniture pieces we bought for ourselves. We had it unfinished until I painted it brown for Chris's room. It felt good to pass it onto Chris and Amanda. It's never looked better! I finished with the last coat Friday night! It is going to look fantastic with the big black bed!

This was our bed. It's not very old but I really didn't like it. It was too high and too bulky for me.
I asked Chris about the bed they wanted us to get for them and he told me they would like a big black bed that would be high enough for storage underneath. I knew such a bed and thus the bed is now out of our room and out of our living room and now in their cute little apartment.

This is the bed that is now in our room. The bed that I dreamt about for years. The first headboard and footboard that we bought just nine years ago. The one that has been in Chris's room for just over a year. The one that is cozy and sweet. The one that I love once again.
The bench is now black. I thought since I was painting the dresser for Chris, I might as well paint this chest! I love the simplicity of it.
I am going for a little more calmness in my home.

I loved this material when I chose it for the 6 chairs and 4 pillows years ago.
The bird put holes in each pillow. I have to make new pillows which means I have to recover my chairs. It all makes sense and a lot more work.

I finished all 6 chairs on Saturday!
I love it!

Addie follows me everywhere and if I'm taking pictures she is usually in the way. Cute!
Now off to work on more projects, take care of my family and to try to keep some of my sanity!

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