Tuesday, March 29, 2011




We have been in our home for almost 11 years
(a funky somewhat modern 30 year old home)
and in all of those years
I disliked
(hate is such a strong word)
our window seat cushions 
and upholstery.
I am not brave enough 
but especially
I am not good enough
(really. really.)
to do it myself.
So we went to
phil hansen
in Springville.
He did it for us.
Amazing new couch like cushions.
Brand new soft upholstery.
I went some what generic
and not as light as I originally wanted
(I had to keep in mind
the dogs, cat, children and grandchild
and future grandchildren
etc. etc. etc.).
What a great change!
It'll do.
I may have to re-cover my pillows.
That I can do.

1 comment:

Musings from Kim K. said...

How fun! You must just want to walk by and stare at your new cushions constantly. Cheers!