Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Charlotte's Web and there's always something else.

I am still working on this wall. I'm getting much closer to getting done. This is venetian plaster from Home Depot. It is a great product and I love the way it looks after it is done. It is hard work. But since I have no usb cable, yet, I can't show my progress.
We saw Charlotte's Web last night. It is a darling, adorable and sweet play. There are puppets and puppeteers. There are three narrators. Britni being one of them. Of course, she is the highlight of the play even though she doesn't have the biggest part. I LOVED seeing her lit up on stage.
The play is so good that Davis watched the WHOLE play. He has a hard time staying for any play. He often will walk outside after the intermission. He seemed mesmerized because he stayed and only covered his face when Britni was on stage. I just think he was a little embarrassed to see her.
I have always liked the book and cartoon movie of Charlotte's Web and this play did not disappoint. Britni asked me if I cried at the end. No I did not. Although, it was very sweet and touching. I did however, almost cry to see Britni after the play because it hit me how much I missed her. I hugged her at least three times!

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