Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy Anniversary!

Today is our 24 year Anniversary.
In some ways it feels just like yesterday that we walked together, hand-in-hand, through the light sprinkle and fog on the grounds of the beautiful Oakland Temple.
In other ways it seems like much longer than 24 years. How is it possible that so much has happened in only 24 years? How is it possible that I could have lived without him?
Yes, there have been good times and bad times. The good out weighs the bad and the bad has made us stronger and is a part of life. Jeff makes it possible to get through it all.
I feel like such a lucky girl to have married Jeff.
He makes me smile and he makes me laugh, every day.
He helps balance my craziness, moves the furniture, opens jars for me and buys the perfect ice and he still loves me anyway.
He's smart, hardworking and amazing.
He's handsome, strong and loving.
He is the peanut butter to my grape jelly and I still love peanut butter and jelly sandwiches!

1 comment:

Annie Tangerine said...

You two set a great example to me. I never doubted that you loved each other.