Monday, March 15, 2010

Sunny California.

I got back from California yesterday!
Sheyla and I left on Thursday and in less than two hours we got to the LA airport. After waiting about two hours for a car and checking into the hotel (after going to the wrong one--same name, wrong location), we went to the Long Beach area (not the greatest beach) and got a little lost, had dinner and walked around a little. We went to the hotel early and crashed.
We went to Disneyland on Friday and Saturday. It really is a magical place. We had mostly fun (I won't go into it but an interesting 2 and a half days nonetheless).
We had thought of taking Sheyla some place next weekend (considering it was to be the wedding date), but Chris leaves next week for three months of Marine bootcamp and we don't want to miss spending time with him right before he leaves (he went some place this weekend with his cute bride). So we decided this was the weekend and Sheyla really wanted to go to Disneyland, so I took her.
I'm not sure if it was the wisest choice but we wanted to help by distraction, distance and fun.
It worked for me!
It's going to take time for sweet Sheyla.

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