Monday, July 6, 2009

Four more days.

I wanted to put together wedding favors, thinking that the project was going to be real easy. I gave myself more work than I thought. I hope it works out. I am putting together little magnets that guest can take when they leave the reception. What was I thinking (at least Jeff is helping me)?
Jeff took the week off from work. He said something the other day about supporting me before the wedding and it struck me as one of the sweetest things he could do for me (he is helping Britni this week too---still sweet)!

Today we bought these things that we didn't plan on buying:
1. More magnets and glass rocks/gems to make wedding favors.
2. Tiny containers of bubbles so some guest can blow bubbles as Britni and Adam leave.
3. Cake cutter and server (I think the place will have them but what if they don't and Adam and Britni are about to cut the cake and they have to use their fingers?).
4. Small craft scissors to cut the paper backing for the magnets (they are great little scissors).
5. Bug killer for our vegetable gardens (they ate a whole zucchini leaf and left the veins).

Tomorrow we are buying Adam and Britni a kitchen table and bed. They are moving things into their new apartment! Britni is going to sleep here starting tomorrow night until the wedding day, of course (she is moving her stuff out of her apartment). I made her bed yesterday and picked up some laundry off the floor of her room and it made me a little sad because it will be one of the last times I do that for her in her own room in our house.

This is going to be a fast week for me (I think) and a slow week for Britni (that's what she said).

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